Ending a scene with a resonant moment
Not every scene can end with a cliff-hanger. What other techniques can you use to get maximum impact from your last few lines?
How do you make a dialogue-focused scene feel active?
Need to keep a dialogue-focused scene from feeling slow and boring? Pick up tips from this analysis of a scene from Jesse Q. Sutanto’s Dial A for Aunties.
How do you deliver plot surprises?
Learn how to maximize the drama of plot revelations by studying the techniques used by Laura Dave.
When is telling better than showing?
Sometimes your scene objectives require telling rather than showing. Discover how you can make telling dynamic.
Write Away, by Elizabeth George
Elizabeth George’s method for crafting characters, plots, and scenes.
Elements of Fiction Writing, by Jack Bickham
Jack Bickham’s advice on how to harness the logic of cause-and-effect to create effective plots, characters, and scenes.
Writing Fiction, by Janet Burroway
A review of the newest edition of Janet Burroway’s Writing Fiction, the standard text used in many creative writing programs.