The Creative Act, by Rick Rubin
Learn how music producer Rick Rubin’s insights about the creative process can help writers.
Thrill Me, by Benjamin Percy
Percy offers detailed, distinctive clarifications of common craft advice.
Make Your Art No Matter What, by Beth Pickens
Pickens, a psychologist, explores roadblocks like time, work, money, fear, and isolation that commonly beset creatives.
Craft in the Real World, by Matthew Salesses
Salesses investigates why and how writing craft rules work, and gives concrete suggestions for how we might think about them differently.
So You Want to Publish a Book?, by Anne Trubek
Trubek offers a behind-the-scenes tour of a small press.
The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron
Is this popular book worth your time? It depends on where you are in the writing process.
Great Sentences, by Brooks Landon
Brooks Landon’s method for creating rich, complex sentences.
On Editing, by Helen Corner-Bryant & Kathryn Price
On Editing provides specific examples that will help you improve everything from your plot to your dialogue.
The Last Draft, by Sandra Scofield
Sandra Scofield’s guide to revising your novel will teach you how to analyze your draft and improve it with detailed craft advice.
Artful Sentences, by Virginia Tufte
Virginia Tufte’s collection of beautiful sentences and her explanations of how they work will teach you new tools to use in your own writing.
Anatomy of Story, by John Truby
John Truby’s popular Anatomy of Story is a valuable encyclopedia of plot moves and character insights but may frustrate writers wanting to explore deeper territory.
Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass
Donald Maass offers specific examples of what sets breakout novels apart from others.
The Way of the Writer, Charles Johnson
The Way of the Writer is a book from a long-time writing instructor that is remarkably short on specific writing craft advice.
Thanks, But This Isn’t for Us, by Jessica Morrell
Jessica Morell’s exploration of common problems in fiction and how to solve them.
Why We Write, edited by Meredith Maran
Advice, encouragement, and wisdom from a range of writers.
The Art of Fiction, by John Gardner
John Gardner’s Art of Fiction is misogynist and dated, but here are four pieces of wisdom worth retaining.
The Sense of Style, by Steven Pinker
Stephen Pinker’s exploration of how good sentences work.
Elements of Fiction, by Walter Mosley
Advice and encouragement from Walter Mosley for authors facing a blank page.
Write Away, by Elizabeth George
Elizabeth George’s method for crafting characters, plots, and scenes.
Elements of Fiction Writing, by Jack Bickham
Jack Bickham’s advice on how to harness the logic of cause-and-effect to create effective plots, characters, and scenes.