What’s the live version of your scene?
If you stepped away from the page or screen, with only the characters and situation in your memory, how would you rewrite your scene in a new way?
How to fix common point-of-view problems
How do you decide what point of view is best for your story, and how do you use point of view to deepen your reader’s engagement with your characters?
Get a fresh view of your novel with zoom-out questions
Construct questions that will help you see your novel in new ways.
How to spot plot problems
Learn how to spot possible plot problems in your novel and how to fix them.
Revision checklist: Chekhov’s bunnies
What is Chekhov’s gun principle and why do you need to add it to your revision checklist?
Choose your revision tool
Learn how to tackle the first big step of revising your novel: choosing a tool that will help you get an overview of your story.
What is the difference between revising and editing?
Many times, when writers think they are revising, they are actually just editing. What’s the difference between the two?
What is revising like?
What metaphors can help us understand the purpose and process of revising a book?
On Editing, by Helen Corner-Bryant & Kathryn Price
On Editing provides specific examples that will help you improve everything from your plot to your dialogue.
The Last Draft, by Sandra Scofield
Sandra Scofield’s guide to revising your novel will teach you how to analyze your draft and improve it with detailed craft advice.
Revising Your Novel, by Janice Hardy
Janice Hardy’s advice on revision, characters, and more.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, by Renni Browne & Dave King
Lessons for novelists from Renni Browne and Dave King’s Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.
Susan Bell, The Artful Edit
Susan Bell’s The Artful Edit shows us that revision is also a creative act, just like writing.