Thrill Me, by Benjamin Percy
Percy offers detailed, distinctive clarifications of common craft advice.
Craft in the Real World, by Matthew Salesses
Salesses investigates why and how writing craft rules work, and gives concrete suggestions for how we might think about them differently.
Anatomy of Story, by John Truby
John Truby’s popular Anatomy of Story is a valuable encyclopedia of plot moves and character insights but may frustrate writers wanting to explore deeper territory.
Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass
Donald Maass offers specific examples of what sets breakout novels apart from others.
Thanks, But This Isn’t for Us, by Jessica Morrell
Jessica Morell’s exploration of common problems in fiction and how to solve them.
The Art of Fiction, by John Gardner
John Gardner’s Art of Fiction is misogynist and dated, but here are four pieces of wisdom worth retaining.
Write Away, by Elizabeth George
Elizabeth George’s method for crafting characters, plots, and scenes.
Elements of Fiction Writing, by Jack Bickham
Jack Bickham’s advice on how to harness the logic of cause-and-effect to create effective plots, characters, and scenes.
The Art of Perspective, by Christopher Castellani
Castellani’s in-depth, nuanced exploration of the foundational tool of point of view could transform the way you tell stories.
Writing into the Dark, by Dean Wesley Smith
Dean Wesley Smith’s method for how to write a novel without an outline.
Meander, Spiral, Explode, by Jane Alison
Jane Alison’s exploration of forms for fiction that go beyond the classic narrative arc.
Write Your Novel From The Middle, by James Scott Bell
James Scott Bell’s advice on how you can use three key plot moments to structure your novel.
Outlining Your Novel by KM Weiland
A review of KM Weiland's practical, action-oriented method for outlining your novel.
Steering the Craft, by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wisdom from Le Guin on how to manage tense, point of view, and pacing – plus reassurance that your story will find its way.
How to Write a Damn Good Mystery, by James Frey
A step-by-step guide to planning and writing a well-plotted mystery.
Writing Fiction, by Janet Burroway
A review of the newest edition of Janet Burroway’s Writing Fiction, the standard text used in many creative writing programs.
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, by Jessica Brody
Learn how Jessica Brody’s beat sheet can help you construct or revise your novel.
The Story Grid, by Shawn Coyne
Shawn Coyne’s Story Grid offers two tools writers can use to plan and revise their novel.
Aspects of the Novel, by EM Forster
What can this classic study of the novel teach twenty-first century writers?