Fast feedback

A fast feedback session allows you to get speedy, targeted advice to keep you moving forward. Stuck on a plot point? Want feedback on your opening that you can apply to the rest of your novel? Need feedback on a query letter or synopsis? A fast feedback session allows you to get speedy, targeted advice to keep you moving forward. How it works:

  • I will spend an hour providing the feedback you request, getting as far into the material as possible. This is usually enough time to line edit a query letter and/or synopsis, provide content advice for a first chapter, evaluate the plot arc of an entire novel (via an outline or synopsis), or line edit 5–7 pages.

  • After you receive the feedback, you can follow-up with a half-hour Zoom session to ask and answer questions, or get your questions answered via email.

  • Only one fast feedback session is available each week.

Ready to get started?

  • Use the form below to choose a time for your feedback session, then answer the questions to help me understand the basics of your book.

  • Note: Only one Fast Feedback session is available each week. If you don’t see immediate openings, try checking further out in the calendar.

  • You can attach the materials you’d like feedback on to the form, or email them no less than 48 hours before your appointment.

  • Err on the side of sending more material rather than less; I will get through as much as I am able to in an hour!

  • Please submit materials in the form of a single Word document.

  • I will send feedback within 12 hours before your scheduled appointment time. If you’d prefer to have follow-up questions answered by email rather than Zoom, you can let me know at that time. Please try to send follow-up questions within 48 hours after receiving your feedback so the material is still fresh in my mind.

  • Questions? Email me and I’ll be happy to answer them.